
Here you will find links to the Early Years Framework updated in 2021 and Development Matters a non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage, also updated in 2021 in line with the Early Years Framework.  

Our Manor Park EYFS Curriculum has been designed by us for our children based on our Manor Park Curricular Goals.  Our ambitious Early Years curriculum we have developed is underpinned by the 7 programs of study from the Early Years Framework, ensuring that we follow the 4 guiding principles of the EYFS.

We placed our children at the forefront of the discussions when designing the curricular goals.  We talked about our children, where they live and their life experiences, and we used that to determine what was important to teach OUR children.  We want our children to become strong, independent and confident with a genuine love of learning.  We want them to have a broad range of skills and knowledge that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.

Eight curricular goals were designed for each phase: Two-Year-Olds and Nursery 3.  Within each goal there are three milestones and a final checkpoint.  These goals can be found below.

The curricular goals are therefore unique to Manor Park School and Nursery.


It's all about the play.......

"Play is the highest form of Research" A. Einstein

Learning is play based and follows a mixture of children's interests, seasonal experiences and a balanced spread of adult led play experiences throughout the week.  We enhance our play spaces regularly by reflecting on the children's needs and their specific interests.

As shown in the Nursery Timetable below, there is never a dull moment at Manor Park Nursery.  Every day is packed full of quality activities that stretch the children's minds and bodies.  


The Magic of Books

We have a strong commitment to giving children lots of opportunities to enjoy books and share stories at Nursery and beyond.  Children take two library books home every week to share with their families.  We also have a Reading Bear who will find it's way to each child's house at some point over the year.

Knutsford library have a fantastic team of staff who offer sessions and book lends for very young children - and their service is all completely free!  Follow the link here to find out the most recent offer from the library.

Files to Download

Endless Dreams
Limitless Opportunites

Let's Connect

Manor Park School & Nursery
Manor Park North,
Knutsford, WA16 8DB
Mr S Cotterill | Head Teacher 01625 568837